Faculty Focus

Members of the George Washington University (GW) School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) faculty gathered Sept. 19, 2019, to be honored for their years of service, commitment to the institution, and great achievements made while working at SMHS.

Jeffrey S. Akman, MD ’81, RESD ’85, vice president for health affairs, Walter A. Bloedorn Professor of Administrative Medicine, and dean of SMHS, recognized Ray Lucas, MD, senior associate dean for faculty affairs and health affairs, who is stepping down from his position. Akman thanked Lucas and recognized his “outstanding leadership and service” in the role.

Recognition was given to SMHS Emeriti faculty, promoted and tenured faculty, faculty celebrating more than five years of service, as well as faculty members who were honored with distinguished awards focused on great research, service, and education.

Robert H. Miller, vice president for research at GW and senior associate dean for research at SMHS, presented the first three awards, which included the Early Career Research Achievement Award, presented to Colin Young, PhD, assistant professor of pharmacology and physiology; the Elaine H. Snyder Cancer Research Award, earned by Lopa Mishra, MD, director of the Center for Translational Medicine and professor of surgery; and the Distinguished Researcher Award, presented to Raja Mazumder, PhD, professor of biochemistry and molecular medicine.

Yolanda Haywood, MD, RESD ’87, BA ’81, senior associate dean for diversity and inclusion and associate dean for student affairs, presented the Diversity and Inclusion Award to Denice Cora-Bramble, MD, MBA, BS ’76, professor of pediatrics.

Akman presented the Distinguished Service Award to Katalin Roth, MD, professor of medicine.

The final three awards, the Distinguished Teacher Awards, which this year were expanded to include all faculty in SMHS, were presented by Ellen Goldman, EdD, MBA, associate dean for faculty and organizational development. Awards went to Nick Shworak, MD, PhD, associate professor of pharmacology and physiology, for Basic Sciences; Holly Jonely, ScD, MPT, associate director of the Physical Therapy Program and assistant professor of health, human function, and rehabilitation sciences, for Health Sciences; and Dewesh Agrawal, MD, professor of pediatrics, for Clinical Sciences.

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